
A European gateway for coastal observation

JERICO-RI is an integrated pan-European multidisciplinary and multiplatform research infrastructure dedicated to a holistic appraisal of coastal marine system changes. It is seamlessly bridging existing continental, atmospheric and open ocean RIs, thus filling a key gap in the ESFRI* landscape, while establishing a framework upon which coastal marine systems are observed, analysed, understood and forecasted.

Laurent Delauney (JERICO-S3 coordinator and interim JERICO-DS coordinator, Ifremer, France), presents the Joint European Research Infrastructure for Coastal Observatories (JERICO-RI) research infrastructure, its components, network, activities and products, at the SFE2 GFÖ EEF Joint Meeting, International Conference on Ecological Sciences in Metz. For more information, please visit the following page

*The European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures, established in 2002