
The nest of stork family of Drago and Draga

The stork family of Drago and Draga has been observed since 2019, from the laying of eggs, the hatching of the young, and the dedicated care of the parents for them. We invite you to follow the BSPB’s Facebook page: @BSPBirds and the Instagram profile: birds.bg, where you can contact us if you have any questions. The installation of the two cameras is part of the measures for the protection of the White stork under the LIFE project “LIFE BIRDS ON POWER LINES”, implemented by Electrodistribution Grid West ЕAD in partnership with the Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds. Observations of the life of the stork families provide valuable information about the biology and ecology of the species, which will be necessary for planning future activities for its conservation. LIFE16/NAT/BG/000612. For more information, visit: www.lifebirds.eu Due to technical reasons beyond our control, the cameras often interrupt, for which we apologize. We always react as quickly as possible to fix problems.