
BEeS Conference – Seville, 23 May 2023 – Session 3

The video recording of the Session 3 “Ecosystem and habitat mapping / Natural capital and the ‘One Health’ approach” of the BEeS 2023 conference, held in Seville on 23 May 2023. Chair: Ana Mellado Affinity factors and adjustment parameters for the economic valuation of vineyard ecosystems by benefit transfer | Presenter: Fernando Rodriguez, University of Salamanca An approach of application of unmanned and remote-controlled multi-sensor platforms together with space-based assets in the Spanish and Bulgarian Antarctica bases for ecosystem and habitat monitoring and mapping | Presenter: Miroslav Tsvetkov, Nikola Vaptsarov Naval Academy Pan-European data prism for ecopatch mapping | Presenter: Julien Radoux, Université catholique de Louvain Herb stratum biomass estimation through ultra-high resolution UAS remote sensing | Presenter: Manuel de Figueiredo Meyer, University of Porto A review of volunteered geographic information projects for ecosystem and habitat mapping | Presenter: Joaquín Osorio Arjona, University of Seville Biodiversity monitoring through ecological interaction networks: plant canopy-recruit and plant-mycorrhizal fungi interactions in the Andalusian Red Natura 2000 | Presenter: Jorge Prieto-Rubio, Estación Experimental del Zaidín, CSIC-EEZ Credits: LifeWatching WebTV More information here: https://www.lifewatch.eu/bees-2023/