Biodiversity in Focus: exploring the BioDT Pollinator prototype Digital Twin
The BioDT Pollinator pDT is a #digitaltool designed to assess the quality of landscapes for #honeybees. This innovative prototype combines real-world data with advanced simulation techniques to provide actionable insights for conservation efforts.
The BioDT Pollinator pDT is built upon a robust technical foundation. Customised scripts meticulously translate real-world data (like land use maps and weather patterns) into a format that can be readily understood by the established BEEHAVE honey bee model. This model, originally developed in NetLogo, allows researchers to simulate honey bee behavior and performance under various conditions.
The BioDT project has equipped the pDT to process information spanning vast geographical areas, addressing the challenge of handling massive datasets. This means the honeybee survival prototype can potentially be used to analyse data across entire countries. Furthermore, by leveraging containerisation, the model can be effortlessly run on different supercomputers with minimal adjustments, ensuring efficient and timely results for large-scale simulations.
For more information, please visit the BioDT website: