Webinar – BioDT use cases: unique demonstrators to test the biodiversity Digital Twin prototype
The BioDT project aims to develop the biodiversity BioDT prototype to help better predict global biodiversity dynamics and how species interact with their environment and with each other.
In order to test the work the project team is bringing forward, the BioDT team will develop over the course of three years, groups of use cases that showcase how BioDT can examine its predictive performance and address biodiversity challenges through scenario simulations, predictions and biomonitoring methods.
The four use cases groups that BioDT is developing focus on: Species response to environmental change Genetically detected biodiversity Dynamics and threats from and for species of policy concern Species interactions with each other and with humans
Part 1 – Introduction
00:00 – Welcome and interactive session, Rita Giuffrida, Trust-IT Services
05:30: -The BioDT use cases: a short introduction – Dag Endresen, BioDT Use Cases Co-leader and GBIF Node Manager for Norway
Part 2 – Use case presentations
07:20 – Group 2: Genetically detected biodiversity – Desalegn Chala Gelete, Post-doc researcher at Universitet i Oslo
20:27 – Group 3: Dynamics and threats from and for species of policy concern – Ingolf Kühn, Professor at Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research
30:22 – Group 4: Species interactions with each other and with humans – Marcella Orwick Rydmark, Research Coordinator at Universitet i Oslo
Part 3 – Wrap-up and closure
39:00 – Interactive session and Q&A
46:15 – Wrap-up and closure, Dmitry Schigel, BioDT Use Cases Co-leader and Scientific officer at GBIF Secretariat
Find the slides and more details on the website: https://biodt.eu/events/use-cases-demonstrators-biodiversity-digital-twin-prototype