A snapshot of the Marine Protected Areas of Madeira
The video message of Ana Dinis, Macaronesia Co-Lead, and Research Associate at MARE – ARDITI, in Madeira, Portugal, presenting one of the three research sites of the Marine SABRES project: the Macaronesia, with a special focus on Madeira archipelago, a group of Portuguese volcanic islands located in the NE Atlantic Ocean on the southwest of continental Europe and 700 km off the Moroccan coast. The Madeira Archipelago includes two inhabited islands: Madeira and Porto Santo, and two uninhabited island complexes: Desertas and Selvagens Islands.
An extract of the interview realised in Iceland during the 2nd Marine SABRES General Assembly, in the framework of video documentary and WebTv activities.
#MarineSABRES #MarineSABRESpostcards
The webpage dedicated to the project on LifeWatching WebTV: https://www.lifewatching.tv/tv-show/marine-sabres/
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Marine SABRES – Marine Systems Approaches for Biodiversity Resilience and Ecosystem Sustainability is funded by the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 101058956.
Learn more about the project and our aims at www.marinesabres.eu