
Mapping and assessment of EU wetlands

The video message of Christoph Schröder, WP6 Leader and GIS Specialist and Project Manager at the University of Malaga, for the #RESTORE4Cshots campaign introducing the team behind RESTORE4Cs. ​ For more information visit: www.restore4cs.eu​Follow RESTORE4Cs:​ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/restore4cs Twitter: https://twitter.com/RESTORE4Cs​ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/restore4cs ​ #RESTORE4Cs #RESTORE4Cshots​ ​ RESTORE4Cs: Modelling restoration of wetlands for carbon pathways, climate change mitigation and adaptation, ecosystem services, and biodiversity co-benefits. FUNDING: Horizon 2.5 – Climate, Energy and Mobility (main Programme) Horizon 2.5.1 – Climate science and solutions ​ PROJECT NUMBER: 101056782​ BUDGET: € 6 644 842,50 (EU contribution € 6 644 837)​ PARTNERS: 15 partners from 9 EU countries LEADER: University of Aveiro, Portugal