
A digital twin prototype for the study and analysis of biodiversity

  • 5 Seasons
  • 32 Episodes
  • 2022
  • BioDT

BioDT is a Horizon Europe project which kicked off in June 2022, where top European and global research infrastructures came together to design and develop a digital twin prototype for the study and analysis of biodiversity, in support of the EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030. The Biodiversity Digital Twin prototype provides advanced models for simulation and prediction capabilities, through practical use cases addressing critical issues related to global biodiversity dynamics. BioDT exploits the LUMI Supercomputer and employs FAIR data combined with digital infrastructure, predictive modelling and AI solutions, facilitating evidence-based solutions for biodiversity protection and restoration. The project responds to key EU and international policy initiatives, including the EU Biodiversity Strategy 2030, EU Green Deal, UN Sustainable Development Goals, Destination Earth. For more information, visit project website