
A better science to address the challenges in front of us

“Biodiversity is the most important natural resource that we have on our planet, the only one that actually can protect ourselves, can give us food, sustain the economy for us and give us a future […] How can we combat the loss of biodiversity and the loss of overall standing biomass that we are expected to have in the next 20-100 years? That is the great question that we have in front of us and we need to find a solution. No chance to go any different way. Clearly LifeWatch has a role in this game: as an e-Science Research Infrastructure, LifeWatch can support all the scientists, can support all the components in the game to do a better science, to do a faster science, to improve our development in the shortest possible term, and that is going to be crucial to address the challenge that we have in front of us with climate change and with all the other challenges that could be minor when compared to climate change, but they actually occur.” The video message of Alberto Basset, Director of the Service Centre of LifeWatch ERIC, at BEeS 2023, the LifeWatch ERIC Biodiversity and Ecosystem eScience Conference. More information here: https://www.lifewatch.eu/bees-2023/