
Acoustic telemetry: the need for networking

The European Tracking Network (ETN) aims to deliver state of the art and relevant science utilizing a global network of equipment and scientists that work together to achieve common goals. As such, ETN requires a completely compatible telemetry system that allows for flexibility to operate tags and equipment produced by all the equipment manufacturers. This is particularly important since the European animal telemetry community is highly diverse and uses multiple telemetric approaches and equipment from several brands. In recent years however, one of the major manufacturers of acoustic telemetry equipment has introduced a new encrypted operating system for their tags and receivers and has removed the other protocols. Importantly, as tags are encrypted, and receivers do not register the original code sets, this means that: 1. Tags from this manufacturer will not transmit to receivers from other manufacturers; 2. Receivers from this manufacturer will not detect tags from other manufacturers; 3. Tags from this manufacturer may transmit different IDs to receivers from other manufacturers; 4. Researchers will not be able to “mix and match” telemetry equipment from different manufacturers so their needs are best addressed, and may be tied to a single operating system. Fore more information, visit the following page. The creation of this video was supported by the European Tracking Network COST-Action (CA18102). COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) is a funding agency for research and innovation networks. Our Actions help connect research initiatives across Europe and enable scientists to grow their ideas by sharing them with their peers. This boosts their research, career and innovation (www.cost.eu).