
Tuscan archipelago: a focus on sustainable tourism and sea grass conservation

One of the research sites of the Marine SABRES project is the Tuscan archipelago, one of the largest marine parks in Europe that has been declared a Biosphere Reserve by UNESCO in recognition of its unique environments and the large diversity of marine and terrestrial life that it supports. The seven islands that comprise the Tuscan archipelago are managed differently with respect to human activities, with restrictions ranging from fully protected islands with limited human access and no extractive activities, to islands that alternate marine protected areas (such as Capraia island) with open areas where human access and recreational activities are allowed, to fully open islands. Watch our documentary trailer presenting this area, enjoy the amazing underwater of Giannutri island! Here researchers will focus on examining the effectiveness of alternative management options through Marine Protected Areas (fully vs. partially protected islands) for the conservation and protection of seagrasses and the ecosystem services they provide. More in detail, researchers will restore seagrass beds to address the threats facing Posidonia oceanica meadows due to increasing anthropogenic pressures, particularly tourism, by finding alternative mooring solutions. The recovery of seagrass beds from physical disturbance will be assessed by replicated diving surveys to assess recovery rate in terms of biodiversity, protection from invasive species and carbon sequestration. Measures to promote more sustainable mooring and boat use across private users and commercial charter companies will be developed. For more information visit: www.marinesabres.eu The webpage dedicated to the project on LifeWatching WebTV: https://www.lifewatching.tv/tv-show/marine-sabres/ Follow Marine SABRES: LinkedIn MarineSABRES: https://www.linkedin.com/company/marinesabres/ Twitter @MarineSABRES: https://twitter.com/marinesabres Instagram Marine SABRES Project: https://www.instagram.com/marinesabres/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@MarineSABRESProject